This scene opens at Time Code Reading (TCR) 1:17:40:07 with the sound of automatic weapon fire accompanied by a large cloud of dust. The camera is out of focus and shaky, but slowly comes to rest briefly on the boy lying down, with his head on Jamal Al Durah’s legs. France2’s presentation of this scene in its September 30, 2000 broadcast was accompanied by Charles Enderlin’s commentary: “But, a new round of fire, and the boy is dead…”
In this footage we can see another bullet striking the wall, leaving a tell-tale circular dust cloud that indicates a head-on shot (i.e., from the direction of the Palestinian position, the Pita).
In addition, this segment shows what seems to be a blood stain on the boy’s right leg (which appears as one of the three bullet wounds he received per the Shifa hospital pathology report). A close-up of the scene indicates that this stain is actually a red cloth.
Close-up of Muhammad down, with hand and red object.
Since in subsequent scenes, this red spot will disappear from the boy’s leg (an impossibility were it a blood from a bullet wound), some have speculated that it is a red rag intended to indicate blood in the sequence, identical with the red rag shown to reporters the next day behind the barrel.
Note that although Jamal Al Durah is in a position indicating serious injury (presumably were he not hurt he would be reaching for his son), there is no sign of blood on him or on the barrel or wall behind him where a through and through bullet would have sprayed his blood.