Interviewed by Esther Schapira a year after the Al Durah incident Talal Abu Rahma, France2’s Palestinian photojournalist, recalls the blistering Israeli fire as the Israelis allegedly targeted the Al Durahs huddled by the wall for 45 minutes. Listen again to the raw footage of the incident on the first page of the Evidence section. Does Abu Rahma’s account of the Israeli fire here comport with the account in his raw video footage?
- Problem 1: External inconsistency – The firing recorded in Abu Rahma’s raw footage is neither incessant nor deafening. Moreover, we can see Palestinian gunmen moving around with relative freedom in footage shot contemporaneously by Reuters and AP cameramen. See Esther Schapira’s 2009 documentary “Das kind, der Tod und die Warheit” at 23:14 – 24:12.
See also AP’s raw footage at and Reuters’ footage in the Videos They Didn’t Show You – Videos From Other Networks section on this website. In particular, note the blocks of footage entitled:
Widening the Lens: AP Extended Footage – Gaza Gun Battle
Another Camera Angle – Footage from an AP cameraman from behind the Al Durahs
Different Camera Angle – Reuters footage of the Al Durahs from behind them by the barrel