The Al-Dura Affair Blood Libel: an interview with Nidra Poller
from Jerry Gordon
The Al-Dura Affair Blood Libel: an interview with Nidra Poller from Jerry Gordon on Vimeo.
In this video Nidra Poller is interviewed by Jerry Gordon, a Senior Editor at the New English Review. She is a historian by training, writer by profession and journalist by necessity with a unique view of major developments in Europe, Israel and America. Her latest novel is Karimi Hotel and Other African Equations. She is a frequent contributor to the New English Review. Articles by her have appeared in The Wall Street Journal Europe, Commentary, National Review On-line, and The American Thinker, among others. She is the Paris correspondent for Dispatch International.
Her chronicle of the Mohammed Al-Dura affair, Notes of a Simple Citizen will be forthcoming. It is based on her 13 years of involvement with the unfolding drama behind the Al-Dura video hoax. The faked death of 12 year old Muhammad Al-Dura occurred on September 30, 2000, at the very beginning of the Second Intifada against Israel by Palestinians. That broke out two days earlier on September 28, 2000 with the visit of former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon to the al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The iconic picture of Mohammed Al-Dura sheltered in the arms of his father, Jamal, captured on video by Talal Abu Rahma, a Palestinian cameraman working for the France 2 TV news channel, and was transformed into blood libel accusing the Jewish nation of Israel of being child killers. The 55 seconds of video cut from more than 27 minutes of raw footage was used as propaganda by Palestinians and even the late Osama bin Laden as a call to Jihad against Israel, Jews and the West. Conflating the Al-Dura blood libel has been the vigorous defense raised by France 2, the state- owned television news channel. France -2 producer Charles Enderlin t has embroiled in an unending series of legal hearings and appeals in French courts publication of a self-serving book.
Enderlin’s defense has been rebutted in articles and news documentaries by Stephane Juffa and the late Gerard Huber of French-Israeli Metullah news agency, MENA, and by German TV news investigative journalist Esther Shapira. French media expert, Philippe Karsenty, launched his own investigation buttressed by the research of Israeli forensic experts demonstrating that Mohammed Al-Dura could not have been shot by Israeli soldiers at the Netzarim checkpoint in Gaza and that the video was faked.
The occasion of this interview with Poller was the recent publication by the State of Israel of a definitive report from a Commission mandated by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in September 2012.
The interview covers her chronicle of involvement observing the depths of this fraud perpetrated on the world’s media by the Palestinians with the complicit involvement of Enderlin, French and other mainstream media. She discusses Enderlin’s and France 2’s entrapment in ‘the body of lies’ behind the Al-Dura affair. A keen observer of all of the French legal proceedings in the Al-Dura Affair she reveals the manipulation of that system by Enderlin and his defenders. She shows how the French judicial system differs from the rigorous evidentiary and legal standards of the English and American legal systems. She discusses the relentless efforts of the international investigators in Israel, Germany, France and the United States seeking to defeat the fraud of the Al-Dura Blood Libel. She considers what occurred in the Al-Dura affair as exemplary of the tactics and methods of the international Jihadist movement seeking to further its agenda of Islamization of the West and the destruction of Israel.