A successful call for attention ends with a clap and a smile

Directly in front of the Israeli position, a swarm of young men -who all seem completely unafraid of being shot by the Israelis -summon a host of cameramen and a U.N ambulance as they rush to “evacuate” another young man.

The “rescuers” unceremoniously bowl over the evacuee in their exuberance – but pick him up and succeed in bundling him into the ambulance. Note how the evacuee raises his hand high for the camera, with his index finger pointed upward throughout ...

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Different Camera Angle – Reuters footage of the Al Durahs from behind them by the barrel

This footage was shot by a Reuters cameraman situated behind the Al-Durahs by the barrel. It shows the broader context to Abu Rahma’s limited focus when filming the Al Durahs as they sit behind the barrel.

We can hear gunfire in the background but it does not seem to be coming from the Israeli position judging from the behavior of people exposed to the Israelis. Gazans milling around directly in front of the Israeli post without apparent concern for their safety. ...

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2013 January: Report from the Paris Court Hearing

Richard Landes reports from Paris

January 16, 2013

Yesterday was the sixth hearing in the saga of France 2 and Charles Enderlin suing Philippe Karsenty for defamation in the French courts. In some senses it was something of an anti-climax. In others it was an amazing example of the clash between Baker and rekaB Streets. Indeed, the Société des journalistes (SNJ) and SNJ de France Télévisions both called on members to show their support for Enderlin, who was valiantly defending himself against ...

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2006 Nidra Poller Reports from the Trial – Part 1

Nidra Poller reports from the trial (Part 1)

Click here for source

Starting September 14, three Frenchmen go on trial in Paris for questioning the veracity of the 2000 videotape of the putative murder of Palestinian child Mohammed Al-Dura by Israeli soldiers. This tape – promulgated by the French state-run channel France 2 – is often credited with helping instigate the so-called “Al-Aqsa Intifada”. Now, six years later, in the shadow of revelations about media manipulation and “fauxtography” by Reuters and ...

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2006 Nidra Poller Reports from the Trial – Part 2

Next big surprise: the paucity of France 2’s arguments. Their lawyer, a slim racy woman with long thick white hair that she constantly coiffed and uncoiffed, ruffled, caressed, raised, lowered, and twisted with obvious pride, was seated about 2 meters away from me. I watched her working quite feverishly, shuffling papers, attaching post-its, scribbling notes, consulting with a colleague who looked more like a hatchet man than a partner in her law office, and in general giving the impression of ...

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2006 Nidra Poller Reports from the Trial – Part 4

Al-Dura: The Verdict  Part Four) Nidra Poller

October 19, 2006 2:57 PM
Click here for source

The verdict in the case of France 2 versus Philippe Karsenty was announced just seconds after the session was convened. We—those of us who stood with the defendant—hardly knew what hit us. The words were so alien, after what we had thought was a highly civilized search for the truth, a fair trial.” Nidra Poller on the disappointing conclusion to the French state media’s prosecution ...

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Court’s Decision on Karsenty

Enderlin, France 2 v. Karsenty
Working Draft
17th Chamber
Case No. 0433823049
Decision of October 19, 2006

By order of one of the examining magistrates of this court, dated October 20, 2005 and issued following two complaints and the filing of civil actions, the first by the National Television Company France 2, on December 3, 2005, and the second by Charles Enderlin on December 9, 2004 – actions that were subsequently joined – Philippe Karsenty was summoned before this court to ...

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2007 Nidra Poller reports from the appeal hearing

Dam Bursts at Al Dura Trial Nidra Poller


Paris: Many have accused the photo of young Mohammed Al Dura’s father shielding him from Israeli bullets of being a fake, but the original videotape from which this photo was drawn was hidden from view by France 2. Yesterday a French judge finally ordered the channel to produce it. PJM’s Nidra Poller was one of the few journalists witnessing this stunning turning point.

Maître Bénédicte Amblard, representing Charles Enderlin and France 2 in their ...

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2007 Melanie Phillips Reports from the Appeal Hearing

The Al Durah blood libel

Melanie Phillips


This article first appeared on November 14, 2007 in The Spectator.


I am in Paris where I have attended the Court of Appeal special session called to witness the 27 minutes of hitherto unseen footage of the ‘killing’ of Mohammed al Durah which the court had required France 2 to produce. For readers who are unfamiliar with this scandal, I wrote about it here, here and here.


Suffice it ...

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2013: Truth on Trial

Jonathan Rosenblum

Originally published in the Yated Ne’eman newspaper, January 25, 2013 and posted online on the writer’s website

A trial of major importance took place last week in Paris, and my guess would be that even among American Jews best informed about matters relating to Israel few are aware of it. I refer to the fourth round in the legal battle between Charles Enderlin and France 2 on one side and media critic Phillipe Karsenty on the other. ...

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