“Hundreds [of Bullets]…”

Interviewed by Esther Schapira a year after the Al Durah incident Talal Abu Rahma, France2’s Palestinian photojournalist, recounts how many bullets the Israelis fired during the 45 minutes over which Abu Rahma alleges the IDF targeted the Al Durahs as they huddled by the wall at Netzarim Junction on September 30, 2000.

Problem 1: External inconsistency – How is it that after “hundreds of bullets” fired during a period of “45 minutes” at the Al Durahs the final frames of Abu ...

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“Sounds of bullets… you cannot hear nothing…” – Talal Abu Rahma Interviewed by Esther Schapira

Interviewed by Esther Schapira a year after the Al Durah incident Talal Abu Rahma, France2’s Palestinian photojournalist, describes how deafening and incessant the Israeli fire was as the IDF allegedly targeted the Al Durahs huddled by the wall for 45 minutes. Listen carefully again to Abu Rahma’s raw footage of the incident on the first page of the Evidence section. Does Abu Rahma’s account of the Israeli fire here comport with the account in his raw video footage?

  • Problem: External inconsistency ...
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“Nobody could raise his head…” – Talal Abu Rahma interviewed by Esther Schapira

Interviewed by Esther Schapira a year after the Al Durah incident Talal Abu Rahma, France2’s Palestinian photojournalist, recalls the blistering Israeli fire as the Israelis allegedly targeted the Al Durahs huddled by the wall for 45 minutes. Listen again to the raw footage of the incident on the first page of the Evidence section. Does Abu Rahma’s account of the Israeli fire here comport with the account in his raw video footage?

  • Problem 1: External inconsistency – The firing recorded in ...
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“We have some secrets, you know, for our self…” – Talal Abu Rahma interviewed by Esther Schapira

Interviewed by Esther Schapira a year after the Al Durah incident, Talal Abu Rahma, France2’s Palestinian photojournalist, avers that he filmed the kind of the bullets fired at the Al Durahs and further states that France2 collected bullets from the wall – but he cannot recall the size of the bullets and maintains that the information is “secret’. There are several problems with this testimony:

  • Problem 1: Internal inconsistency – Earlier, in the same interview (See Video Clip # 5 at ...
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2008: When it Comes to Al-Dura, Journalists Are Against Free Speech (Rosenthal)


Originally published by Pajamas Media
June 20, 2008

Despite the Al-Dura ruling, reporter Charles Enderlin can still count on his colleagues to stand by his story

Earlier this month, the French weekly Le Nouvel Observateur launched a surreal “Appeal for Charles Enderlin” in response to a French court judgment clearing media critic Philippe Karsenty of charges of having “defamed” Enderlin and his employer, France 2 public television. ...

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2000: Boy shot in Gaza probably was killed by Israeli soldiers (LA Times)

LA times

Purported Truce Proves Fleeting as Mideast Fights On; Hostilities: Five more die on sixth day of violence. Boy shot in Gaza probably was killed by Israeli soldiers.

[Home Edition]
TRACY WILKINSON. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 4, 2000. pg. 8

Full Text (1065 words) Copyright (c) 2000 Los Angeles Times)

A fleeting cease-fire was crushed Tuesday by fresh gun battles as ...

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LA Times Commentary: Can a Dying Boy’s Image be the Catalyst for Peace? October 6, 2000

Commentary; Can a Dying Boy’s Image Be the Catalyst for Peace?:[Home Edition]
BASIL ABDELKARIM, RIAD ABDELKARIM. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Oct 6, 2000. pg. 9

Full Text (784 words) Copyright (c) 2000 Los Angeles Times)

As the latest cycle of bloodshed continues unabated in the Israeli-occupied territories, one horrifying image has emerged as symbolic of the climate of utter despair and hopelessness that permeates the daily lives of Palestinians. When a news video camera captured the last few moments of ...

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Israeli Army Stupidity – Al-Durra Case – Haaretz Editorial

Israeli Army Stupidity – Al-Durra Case
Posted November 25, 2000 4:07:44 PM
Ha’aretz Editorial Board
Stupidity Marches On

The death of Mohammed al Dura, the 12-year-old boy who was caught with his father in cross fire between Palestinians and Israel Defense Forces soldiers at the Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip, was the event which epitomized the character of the conflict in the territories for many people: A confrontation between stone-throwing boys and armed soldiers who did not hesitate to ...

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2000 – Boy becomes Palestinian Martyr – BBC

Response by Prof. Richard Landes to the BBC Report “Boy Becomes Palestinian Martyr”

Comments by Prof. Landes are in bold

Introduction: The article below was published on the BBC website two days after the Al Durah Incident. It is clear from the content that the testimony of Talal abu Rahmah, the video photographer, had become an accepted part of the story no matter how contraindicated by the available evidence.

Boy becomes Palestinian Martyr

Monday, 2 October, 2000, 11:10 GMT 12:10 UK

“Don’t shoot” ...

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