News Coverage of the Mohammed Al-Durah Affair

Below you will find listed selected news coverage of the Al-Durah affair:

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Israeli Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair

Israeli Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair: a Chronology of Events

September 30, 2000:

Netzarim – near to Magen 3, an Israeli military outpost in The Gaza Strip, Jamal Al-Durah and his son, Mohammed, seek cover from gunfire and are shot, allegedly by Israelis; the son is killed and the father receives several gun wounds before he is evacuated to a hospital.

October 1, 2000

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Southern Command general Yom Tov Samia first denies fault in the boy’s death, ...

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Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Highlighting the Impact of the Al-Durah Incident

• Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a moderate Arab leader who was attempting to facilitate Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, expressed publically his outrage at the Al-Durah incident, stating: ‘A child who died in the lap of his father, this really makes one loses his senses….this makes rocks have feelings.’


• One of the main streets running through the center of Baghdad, Iraq, was officially renamed ‘The ...

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Par solidarité avec Charles Enderlin le Syndicat national des journalistes s’égare

Published with permission of the author, Victor Perez:

Philippe Karsenty a été rejugé le 16 janvier dernier suite à la décision de la Cour de Cassation de février 2012 de défaire le verdict de la Cour d’Appel prononcé en sa faveur le 21 mai 2008. En vu de ce nouveau procès, le Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) a décidé d’appeler à manifester par Solidarité avec Charles Enderlin (1). Outre que voir des journalistes manifester pour tenter d’influencer le cours ...

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Karsenty vs. Enderlin: Baker vs. rekaB Street in action

Yesterday was the sixth hearing in the saga of France 2 and Charles Enderlin suing Philippe Karsenty for defamation in the French courts. In some senses it was something of an anti-climax. In others it was an amazing example of the clash between Baker and rekaB Streets. Indeed, the Société des journalistes (SNJ) and SNJ de France Télévisions both called on members to show their support for Enderlin, who was valiantly defending himself against Karsenty’s legal aggression, when in fact ...

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Al Durah and the Tragic Legacy of Lethal Journalism

The following was published on Jan. 15 at Times of Israel

The French have a saying for the idea of a public secret, un secret de Polichinelle dans le tirroir – a humiliating fact still hidden in the drawer that will eventually come out, like an unwanted pregnancy. And France has one of those secrets, but rather than a life, this particular one gives birth to hatred, vengeance, and death. The drawer rattled recently when Mohamed ...

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France2 TV invokes French defamation law, continues legal battle against critic of al Durah reporting

France2 TV invokes French defamation law, continues legal battle against critic of al Durah reporting

Journalism accountability is at stake as the French broadcasting giant continues its 8 year-old legal battle against Philippe Karsenty

The latest installment of the reporting of the Al-durah incident, dragged through French courts for over 8 years, will play out in Paris’ Appeals Court on January 16, 2013. In 2004, following his call to dismiss two of France2 TV senior staff for their reporting of the Al-durah ...

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A blood libel is born: Fisking the Guardian’s original report about Mohammed al-Durah

Adam Levick fisks the Guardian’s original October 3, 2000 account of what happened at Netzarim Junction in Gaza, ‘Making of a martyr’, thus:


Suzanne Goldenberg begins her Oct. 3, 2000 Guardian account of an incident which had taken place three days earlier, near the Netzarim Junction in Gaza, ‘Making of a martyr’, thus:

“A circle of 15 bullet holes on a cinder block wall, and ...

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Guardian propagandist Chris McGreal attempts to defend his lethal narrative

Our latest post about McGreal – a reporter singled out by the Community Security Trust in their 2011 report on antisemitic discourse – was titled ‘The Guardian’s lethal narrative about snipers who murder innocent children‘, and focused on two reports conjuring the image of IDF soldiers deliberately murdering innocent and defenseless Palestinian children.

We pointed to two stories by McGreal, in 2005 and 2012, which advanced this narrative, with the former being much more explicit.  Here are the relevant ...

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The Guardian’s lethal narrative about snipers who murder innocent children.

This essay was originally published at CiF Watch

On Mar 26, 2001, an Israeli named Shalhevet Pass, age 10 months, was killed by Palestinian sniper fire at the entrance to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood in Hebron. Shalhevet was shot in the brain, while in her stroller – with her parents by her side.



Chillingly, an investigation ruled that the the infant was shot deliberately.

The Jewish baby was one of  Continue Reading →

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