Segment 5 of 7: Muhammad Down (Stretched Out) and his Father Swaying

This is the final segment used by Enderlin in his original broadcast. He continues his narration from the previous segment “[Muhammad is dead…] and his father badly injured.”

Indeed we see Jamal swaying back and forth as if in shock, although in this sequence he is facing the camera directly and, again, shows no sign of blood on his clothing or on the wall behind him.

The boy is ...

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Palestinian Authority Television Weaponization of Al Durah Imagery – PATV

PATV immediately weaponized the footage of al Durah. Within a matter of days, they found the footage they wanted: an Israeli soldier firing a gun (at demonstrators rioting because of the showing of the al Durah footage). Newsmen at the PA inserted this into the footage affirming the accusation of deliberate, targeted killing.

Al Durah Footage doctored to accuse Israel of deliberately targeting the boy:

Asked to explain the procedure – which violates every principle of Western ...

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From PJMedia: Al-Dura Verdict: What Prognosis for Civil Society in France?

A decision was expected today. Will the court exonerate Philippe Karsenty?

April 4, 2013 – 7:38 am
Source Al-Dura Verdict: What Prognosis for Civil Society in France?

law_ebay_french_courtAt 3:00 p.m. on September 30, 2000, everything turned upside down at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. France2 cameraman Talal abu Rahma — after a day of filming spontaneously staged ...

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Daily Telegraph: Islamism is winning the cognitive war – thanks to manipulative and gullible journalists

Islamism is winning the cognitive war – thanks to manipulative and gullible journalists

By Richard Landes World Last updated: April 4th, 2013

The image that shocked the world


The image the world didn’t see: Enderlin, having already declared the boy dead, cut this final sequence from his broadcast.

Anyone who remembers the halcyon dreams ...

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Court Delays Decision in Karsenty-Enderlin Case

In what seems to be an interesting act of hesitation, the French court has delayed its decision on the Enderlin-Karsenty trial until May 22. For those arguing a politicized court which would naturally side with state-owned and politically-correct France2, this needs explanation. A kangaroo court does not hesitate. If it hesitates, it’s because the evidence is so “badly” in Karsenty’s favor that the judges hesitate to defy it. Whether for fear of contradiction, or some (significant but not decisive) remaining ...

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Al-Dura: French Court (Re-)Considers Philippe Karsenty’s Fate

Author: Veronique Chemla | Re-posted with permissions | Article originally appears here.
The man who uncovered the Al-Dura video fraud is still being tried for defamation.Updated article.

My article is perfectly and kindly translated in English by Michel Gurfinkiel forPajamas Media.

My original article is published in French on my blog
What will the Court of Appeals of Paris decide about Philippe Karsenty— the deputy mayor of Neuilly, director ...

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Philippe Assouline: From al Durah to Badawi: Lethal journalism and Palestinian Propaganda’s Manufacturing of Consent

Philippe Assouline: From al Durah to Badawi: Lethal journalism and Palestinian Propaganda’s Manufacturing of Consent

This is a cross-post from The Huffington Post.


It was a defining image of the last conflagration in Gaza. Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh and Egyptian prime minister Hashim Kandil held up a Palestinian child’s corpse to the cameras, his face bloodied, his lifeless eyes a compelling entreaty to the world: “Will you not stand against Israel for killing this child!?”


But ...

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