Principled Dupedom: On the Moral Imperative to be Stupid

I place this post in the Al Durah Journalist category because although it belongs also in Evidence, it’s most important contribution is an analysis of what’s going on with the lethal journalists who got caught up in the hysterical credulity among journalists in the wake of Al Durah.

Principled Dupedom: On the Moral Imperative to be Stupid, Augean Stables, April 18, 2013

One of the major weaknesses of Westerners in the current cognitive war with Islamic imperialism is a seemingly boundless ...

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Enderlin: “What would they say in Gaza if I didn’t report that the Israelis killed him?” (from The Augean Stables)

enderlin schwartz quote

One of the more scandalous episodes of the Al Durah Affair came about after the judges saw the rushes and Karsenty won his appeal, much to the astonishment of the journalistic community who, under the aegis of Jean Daniel of Le Nouvel Observateur, put together a petition in his support. Below is a discussion of this development from an earlier post on Public Secrets (“they stage stuff all ...

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Lethal Narratives: Weapon of Mass Destruction in the War Against the West

Lethal Narratives: Weapon of Mass Destruction in the War Against the West

by Nidra Poller (June 2009)

Delivered to the New English Review Symposium May 30th, 2009.

On September 30, 2000, state-owned France 2 television channel broadcast a video showing the alleged killing of a 12 year-old Palestinian youth, Mohamed al Dura, and the wounding of his father, Jamal. The ordeal was supposedly filmed as it happened at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip by a France 2 cameraman, later identified as ...

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2013: Al Durah: A lethal narrative and the innocent lives it continues to destroy (Roth)

Al-Durah: A lethal narrative and the innocent lives it continues to destroy
Arnold Roth
April 3, 2013

A court of appeal in Paris will hand down an important judgment today that serves as a kind of microcosm of how the media establishment can act in a co-ordinated way to protect its members’ perceived interests. It also, by the way, throws a sharp light on the way Israel’s interests are under attack far from the physical battlefield – ...

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2013: Al Durah: Lethal narrative that just won’t die (Stone)

Al Durah: A lethal narrative that just won’t die
Elihu Stone

The French Court of Appeals this week will render its decision in a case pitting state-owned France 2 television and one of its senior news producers, Charles Enderlin, against media critic Philippe Karsenty whom they seek to convict of criminal defamation. The legal action, winding its way through the French legal system for eight years, involves an event that still reverberates mightily today.

On September 30, 2000, at the start ...

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2009: Lethal Narratives Against the West (Nidra Poller)

Lethal Narratives: Weapon of Mass Destruction in the War Against the West
Nidra Poller

Delivered to the New English Review Symposium, May 30, 2009 and originally published on the New English Review website

On September 30, 2000, state-owned France 2 television channel broadcast a video showing the alleged killing of a 12 year-old Palestinian youth, Mohamed al Dura, and the wounding of his father, Jamal. The ordeal was supposedly filmed as it happened at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip ...

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The Lineaments of Al Durah Journalism

Al Durah Journalism: We use the term DuraJournalists to designate those journalists who take a credulous stance towards Arab lethal narratives about Israel, passing them on to us, their readers and listeners, as “news,” or at least, as perfectly believable claims about the news. DuraJournalists instrumentalize the evidence, and when faced with anomalous details, ignore or dismiss them. Rather than look for clues, DuraJournalists clean up the mess. They live on rekaB Street.

Since all wars have their lethal narratives, ...

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Examples of Lethal Journalism

NB: We welcome all essays on this topic, including those not directly related to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

News analysis that examines alDurah Journalism:

Perhaps the first major wave of DurahJournalism came with the coverage of Operation Defensive Shield’s siege of the Jenin Refugee camp, ground zero for the suicide bombers that had plagued Israel for two years before they responded in force.

A particularly revealing episode of the corporatism and self-protectiveness ...

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Review by Nidra Poller on Charles Enderlin’s Book – Un Enfant Est Mort: Netzarim, 30 Septembre 2000

Book Review: Nidra Poller on Un Enfant Est Mort (A Child is Dead): Netzarim, 30 Septembre 2000, by Charles Enderlin

Nidra Poller, April 3, 2012
Jewish Political Studies Review 23:1-2 (Spring 2011)
This review was originally published by JCPA

30 September 2000, Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. State-owned France 2 TV airs footage of the allegedly fatal shooting, in real time, of a Palestinian youth and the critical wounding of his father, “targeted by gunfire from the Israeli position.” The ...

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From PJMedia: Al-Dura Verdict: What Prognosis for Civil Society in France?

A decision was expected today. Will the court exonerate Philippe Karsenty?

April 4, 2013 – 7:38 am
Source Al-Dura Verdict: What Prognosis for Civil Society in France?

law_ebay_french_courtAt 3:00 p.m. on September 30, 2000, everything turned upside down at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. France2 cameraman Talal abu Rahma — after a day of filming spontaneously staged ...

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