Palestinian cameraman who works for CNN and for France 2. Talal Abu Rahma filmed the al-Dura incident, the one shot that started the second intifada. Abu Rahma received many honorary awards from organizations and festivals for his unique footage of Al-Dura, including one from Carthage Cinema Festival in Tunisia in 2000; the Badge of Courage from the Palestinian Journalists’ syndicate in 2000; Festival Scoop 2000 ...
Continue Reading → ShareNews director of France 2 at the time of the Al Dura broadcast. Found guilty by the Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) – an administrative authority over audiovisual media whose councillors are appointed by the French government – of journalistic breaches of ethics, he resigned his post on February 11, 2004 after having approved a false news report that Alain ...
Took over as news director of France 2 after Mazerolle’s resignation. Under pressure, she screened the original raw footage for independent journalists Luc Rosenzweig, Denis Jeambar, and Daniel Leconte. While she acknowleges that it is impossible to attribute Al Dura’s death to Israeli soldiers based on the France 2 film footage, she vehemently denies that the scene was ...
French language Israeli news agency whose stated mission includes revealing and providing a counterbalance to missing and distorted information that may be disseminated by other news organizations. MENA has been at the forefront of accusations against France 2, Charles Enderlin, and Talal Abu Rahma of lying and manipulating the scene.
Psychoanalyst and Paris correspondent of MENA who collaborated with Juffa in the investigation of the affair. He wrote a book entitled “Contre-expertise d’une mise en scene” (Re-evaluation of a Staged Event) published in 2003 by Editions Raphael, describing the investigation and its conclusion – that Al Dura was not shot by Israelis and that the whole scene was ...
Israeli physicist and a reservist with the optical intelligence unit of the IDF who originally investigated the claims that Al Dura was killed by IDF soldiers. He concluded that the physical evidence indicates the fatal shots that killed Al Durah could not have come from the Israeli position. Shahaf eventually posited as well that the Al Dura shooting ...
German filmmaker who produced an investigative documentary, Drei Kugeln und ein totes Kind (Three Bullets and a Dead Child) suggesting that Mohammed Al Dura was more likely to have been shot by Palestinian gunmen than by Israeli soldiers. The documentary was broadcast on the German television network ARD in March 2002 and is available here in English translation. ...