France2 TV invokes French defamation law, continues legal battle against critic of al Durah reporting
Journalism accountability is at stake as the French broadcasting giant continues its 8 year-old legal battle against Philippe Karsenty
The latest installment of the reporting of the Al-durah incident, dragged through French courts for over 8 years, will play out in Paris’ Appeals Court on January 16, 2013. In 2004, following his call to dismiss two of France2 TV senior staff for their reporting of the Al-durah incident in September 2000, Philippe Karsenty, president of an online media watchdog, was taken to court. Invoking libel, which constitutes a civil and criminal offense in France, Charles Enderlin and Arlette Chabot of the French broadcasting network instituted prosecutions against him. 8 years on, as the French network invokes the specifics of French defamation law, and despite evidence to support his claims, Karsenty is once again taken to court with “hands tied behind his back”.
Learn more about the incident here.