Philippe Assouline: From al Durah to Badawi: Lethal journalism and Palestinian Propaganda’s Manufacturing of Consent

Philippe Assouline: From al Durah to Badawi: Lethal journalism and Palestinian Propaganda’s Manufacturing of Consent

This is a cross-post from The Huffington Post.


It was a defining image of the last conflagration in Gaza. Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh and Egyptian prime minister Hashim Kandil held up a Palestinian child’s corpse to the cameras, his face bloodied, his lifeless eyes a compelling entreaty to the world: “Will you not stand against Israel for killing this child!?”


But ...

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News Coverage of the Mohammed Al-Durah Affair

Below you will find listed selected news coverage of the Al-Durah affair:

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Israeli Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair

Israeli Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair: a Chronology of Events

September 30, 2000:

Netzarim – near to Magen 3, an Israeli military outpost in The Gaza Strip, Jamal Al-Durah and his son, Mohammed, seek cover from gunfire and are shot, allegedly by Israelis; the son is killed and the father receives several gun wounds before he is evacuated to a hospital.

October 1, 2000

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Southern Command general Yom Tov Samia first denies fault in the boy’s death, ...

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Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Reactions to the Al-Durah Affair in the Muslim World

Highlighting the Impact of the Al-Durah Incident

• Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a moderate Arab leader who was attempting to facilitate Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, expressed publically his outrage at the Al-Durah incident, stating: ‘A child who died in the lap of his father, this really makes one loses his senses….this makes rocks have feelings.’


• One of the main streets running through the center of Baghdad, Iraq, was officially renamed ‘The ...

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